Street furniture..

I remember a neighbourhood scandal a few years back when overnight a mysterious mattress appeared on the pavements of our stiff upper lip, tree-lined road. It got all the curtains twitching and tongues wagging as to the original owner of said mattress. I never found out what happened to the offending mattress but it disappeared in the same suspicious midnight circumstances as it appeared.
In my home city the council doesn't dispose of whatever you leave on your pavement, however big or small. If it don't fit in a closed wheelie bin, it ain't going anywhere. Which for aesthetic and charity shop reasons I agree with. Here it's different and since I've been slowly furnishing my house with street furniture I cannot and will not complain. The newest addition a chest of drawers. Missing a mirror with bits of woodworm damage, we cleaned it up, chemically treated it, painted it and whacked on a doile and a lamp...
And here she is, another lil' lady in the house.....take that testosterone....

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